The Parish of St. Thomas More is a Roman Catholic family of faith, built on the inspiration of past generations, to serve the community by loving God and our neighbor. We strengthen faith, celebrate the sacraments, provide for the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, educate across the life span, heal the spiritually broken and respect the dignity of human life. We live the Gospel and seek Christ in all people.
Registration for New Religious Education families: Please read the following instructions carefully:
Click this link and complete the form to begin your registration process.
After your form is complete, you will receive an automatically generated email from our registration system Parish Giving with a user id and password.
Login to Parish Giving using that user id and password (you will have the opportunity to change your login credentials at this point.)
Once you are logged into Parish Giving, pay your full tuition via credit or debit card. Payment in full is due before you can select a class.
After the payment process is completed, select the session for your child(ren).
If you do not see a session displayed on the drop down menu it is because that session is already full.
After you have selected a session for your child(ren), you will receive a Confirmation email from Parish Giving confirming your registration.
NOTE: Please do not use this link if you already have a child enrolled in religious education this year. If you do not know your user id and password please email the office at re@moremercy.org.
Fan the Flame of Hope
The 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal asks us to make a commitment to become part of a shared mission that allows our local Church to warm the hearts of its faithful in the “flame of hope.” Pope Francis has reminded us that “hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5).” Through your support of this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, become “pilgrims of hope”. If you can make any donation, please click on the link below and follow the prompts. We thank you SOOOO much for your support. God bless you!
New Latin Rite - Mass Change
Please be aware that the New Latin Rite Mass will be permanent changed to Wednesdays at 6:45 a.m. beginning March 19th. We will no longer have Latin Mass on Tuesdays.
Mass and Confession
Saint Thomas More Church
Daily Mass: Wednesday, 6:45am in Chapel (New Latin Rite)
Saturday: Vigil 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am
Novena: 7:00pm every third Monday in Chapel
Our Lady of Mercy Church
Daily Mass: Mon-Fri 8:30am (Rosary following Mass)
Sunday: 7:30am
Novena: 7:00pm every third Monday in Chapel
Saturday: 3:30pm-4:20pm in Church
Please be reminded St Thomas More and Our Lady of Mercy are NO smoking facilities. Thank you for not smoking on the church grounds.